2017-2007 Birth Years, Boys & Girls*

Tryout #1: Saturday, May 11 @ Mission Hill Middle School

2011-2012 Girls: 4:30-6pm

2013-2015 Girls: 4:30-6pm

2007-2010 Boys: 4:30-6pm

2012-2015 Boys: 2:30-4pm

Tryout #2: Sunday, May 19 @ Soquel High School

2011-2012 Girls: 9-10am

2013-2015 Girls: 9-10am

2007-2010 Boys: 12pm-2pm

2012-2015 Boys: 10-12pm

Given the growing interest in our competitive soccer programming, the Eclipse will be expanding this year, creating new teams for gender/age groups where we have sufficient interest from the community, in addition to our current teams (2013 Girls, 2013 Boys, 2007 Boys).

Please Register for tryouts above so we can keep track of who will be attending and you can get updated information as it is released. If you have any questions, please reach out at

*If your child is nonbinary or gender nonconforming, please reach out via email so we can find the best way for your child to participate.