Crane’s Reflection

A great blue lake

A great divide between two land masses

On one side a serene bamboo forest

The land of the Giant Pandas

Here there was not a sound to be heard 

The long stalks assimilated the wind

Slowly swaying side to side

And the great beasts lay still

Resting with tranquility,

Steadily breathing in the clean crisp air

Not an ounce of anxiety to be found

On the other side, a great big rainforest

The land of the Gibbon Monkeys

Here the squawks and screeches came interminably

The massive trees with their cloudlike tops shook to and fro,

Trembled by the bustling nature of the primates that lived among them

These monkeys always felt there was something more to be done,

They worked all day and night and rarely rested

The tension felt as thick as the muggy air that devoured the trees

Finding himself between these two lands was the Red-Crowned Crane

He stood still in the shallow part of the lake

Searching for his prey 

Although he stood there for quite some time

He had never been a decisive one

Eventually he found what he was looking for

He struck quickly and gracefully

With a full stomach his thoughts wandered elsewhere

Spring was approaching swiftly he realized

It was time to begin the construction of his nest

He decided that he wanted lots of flowers

He knew they weren’t a popular choice for a male’s nest,

But he found them to be quite beautiful

And he hoped the lady cranes felt the same way

Remembering the abundance of flowers in the rainforest

He knew that was where he must go

Raising his long black neck

His crimson crown glowing in the evening sun

And spreading his elegant white wings

He took off into the air

Letting the wind guide him

He found himself at the edge of the rainforest

Searching intently

Grabbing any flower that was to his liking 

At first he didn’t notice the movement all around him

He was very absorbed in his own work

Eventually he raised his head

The Gibbon monkeys were hustling and bustling

Intrigued by the determined nature of the monkeys,

The Red-Crowned Crane questioned the Gibbon closest to him

“Hey Gibbon, do you guys always work so late into the night?”

The Gibbon looked around,

Searching for who had interrupted his ever-so important work

Eventually he spotted the crane

In an annoyed and rushed tone he responded, 

“Of course, we work late and wake up early

 we always need to be ready for what is next”

The best preparation for good work tomorrow

Is to do good work today

The Gibbon left swiftly,

He did not have any more time to waste

It was such a simple idea,

But the crane found himself stunned

How had he not thought of this before he pondered

It seemed to work so well for the Gibbons

He decided he was going to try this new lifestyle

He picked up his flowers

And took off back to his home 

The sun was barely over the horizon

The Crane was already awake,

Ready to start his day 

His favorite breakfast was a fresh cricket 

The best place to get crickets was in the bamboo forest

This is where he must go he decided

As he neared the bamboo forest,

The Crane realized that it was much quieter on this side of the lake

“Weren’t the pandas already up and hard at work like the Gibbons?” he thought

Still, the Crane saw no movement amongst the bamboo

Eventually he reached a clearing

Here he spotted the Pandas

Relaxing in the morning,

Some still sleeping peacefully

He approached the closest panda 

“Why are you still sleeping?” He questioned

“Don’t you need to get to work so you’ll be ready for tomorrow?” 

The Panda drowsily opened his eyes

“Calm down there my little friend,  what is it that concerns you?” He responded

“Well the Gibbons are always working, and here you are asleep” The Crane said

“Ahhh” The Panda responded 

“We Pandas need our sleep, we work when we are fully rested

No one can produce good work on a lack of sleep.”

Rest time is not waste time

It is economy to gather fresh strength

The Crane hadn’t thought of that 

However, this too made perfect sense

He did find himself already feeling pretty tired from the lack of sleep the night before

Although, now he was perplexed

How did the Pandas and the Gibbons have such different ways of living?

And how were they both so successful?

There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest

Use both and overlook neither

He pondered this question as he looked for his breakfast

Eventually with a full stomach, he was ready to leave

However, the Crane could not shake this issue

He decided to travel back to the Gibbons

Soon he was at the Rainforest

He stood there watching the Gibbon monkeys 

They were piling boxes and boxes

Gibbons were coming in and out 

Some carrying small black fruits

Others were carrying handfuls of sticks

“What are you up to Gibbons?” The Crane questioned

“We’re collecting figs and sticks” They responded

“We need to make sure we collect all the resources we may need

You can never have enough.”

Without abundant resources

Prosperity is out of reach

This once again made perfect sense to the Crane

He decided that he too should stockpile his resources

Having an abundance of crickets would be helpful he thought

He traveled to the bamboo forest,

Ready to gather his crickets

He once again found the Pandas

They moved about slowly

“Where are your stores of resources?” The Red-Crowned Crane asked the Pandas

“We don’t have any” the pandas calmly replied

“But how are you going to have what you need?” 

“Well, we don’t really need anything” the Pandas responded

“The only things we need are all around us.” 

If a little is not enough for you,

Nothing is

This once again made sense for the Crane

If you didn’t need much, 

Then you wouldn’t need to stockpile

But now he was more confused than ever

The monkeys were successful working all day

Yet the Pandas were successful sleeping in

The Monkeys were successful stockpiling resources

Yet the Pandas were successful without resources

He decided to head back home

Maybe the answer would come to him there he thought

He stayed up late into the night 

The question still nagging his brain

He stared into the dark abyss of water in front of him 

How could these two sides be so different,

Yet both are so successful?

And which side should he follow? 

Should he be relaxed like the Pandas?

Or should he be productive like the Gibbons?

Which was the best way to live life?

In time he saw his reflection in the water

His long face glimmering in the moonlit lake

Then it struck him

There is not one best way to live life 

No predefined path to success

It is whatever works best for you 

And he is not a Gibbon Monkey nor is he a Giant Panda

He is a Red-Crowned Crane

He must define his own path

He must choose his own success

To be yourself

In a world that is constantly trying to make you something else

Is the greatest accomplishment.

Dedicated to my brothers:

Marcelino the Panda and Rodrigo the Monkey

By, Antonio Plaza (The Crane)